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  • Case Studies

    • [OCT Article] Low Tension Glaucoma with Multifactorial Ocular Complications
      Case Studies

      [OCT Article] Low Tension Glaucoma with Multifactorial Ocular Complications

    • [OCT Article] Managing Glaucoma Risk with Positive Family History
      Case Studies

      [OCT Article] Managing Glaucoma Risk with Positive Family History

    • [Tele-Optometry Article] Rethink Tele-Optometry: A Noble Choice to Provide Underserved Patients High-Quality Eye Exams
      Case Studies

      Rethink Tele-Optometry: A Noble Choice to Provide Underserved Patients High-Quality Eye Exams

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  • Testimonials

    • Testimonial - Why Optovue Solix? by Julie Rodman, OD

      Testimonial - Why Optovue Solix? by Julie Rodman, OD

    • Testimonial VX120DE Jorge Millán, Optometrist, (Savia Óptica)

      Testimonial - Multi-diagnostic screening US

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  • Visionix News

    • New partnership between 20/20NOW and Visionix Americas
      Visionix News

      New partnership between 20/20NOW and Visionix Americas

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  • Resource Center

    • Dr. Kristopher May, OD
      Resource Center

      Demystifying In-House Lens Finishing

    • Dr. Kristopher May, OD
      Resource Center

      Demystifying In-House Lens Finishing

    • US_EXT_Webinar:
      Resource Center

      The Full Story: Optovue Solix and the VX 130
